Logfire Livetail Log Details

Each log entry in LiveTail provides a concise summary, but you can access additional details and perform actions by expanding the log.

Expanding Log Details

To view the full details of a log:

  1. Locate the log entry of interest in the LiveTail log view
  2. Click on the down arrow (▼) icon on the right side of the log entry

Expanding the log will reveal all the metadata and fields associated with that log event, such as:

  • offset: The offset position of the log within the source
  • message: The full log message text
  • dt: The log ingest timestamp
  • level: The log severity level
  • account_id: The associated account identifier
  • source_id: The identifier of the log source
  • source_name: The name of the log source
  • team_id: The team identifier

Copying Field Values

You can quickly copy the value of any field in the log details:

  1. Expand the log entry to view its details
  2. Hover over the value you want to copy
  3. Click on the value to copy it to your clipboard

This is useful when you need to use a specific value, such as an account_id or source_id, in other contexts or tools.

Filtering by Field

LiveTail allows you to create filters based on the fields in a log:

  1. Expand the log entry to view its details
  2. Hover over the field you want to filter by
  3. Click on the field key to create a filter with the corresponding value

For example, clicking on level in a log with "level":"info" will create a filter to only display logs where level is info. This enables you to quickly find related logs based on shared field values.

Expand log entries in LiveTail to access the full metadata, copy field values, and create filters to streamline your log analysis and troubleshooting process.