Logfire Alerts Create | CLI Commands

The Logfire CLI provides both interactive and non-interactive commands to create a new alert.


1. Interactive

For an interactive setup, run the logfire alerts create command without any arguments:

$ logfire alerts create

The CLI will guide you through the process. You’ll be prompted to provide various details like the team ID, alert name, view ID, number of records, and duration.

2. Non-Interactive

If you prefer a non-interactive approach, you can use the logfire alerts create command with the necessary arguments:

$ logfire alerts create --team-id "team-id" --name "name" --view-id "view-id" --number-of-records 0-1000000 --within-seconds 0-10000 --integrations-id "integrations-id"

Replace "team-id", "name", "view-id", "number-of-records", "within-seconds", and "integrations-id" with the relevant details.

For the --integrations-id argument, you can provide multiple values if needed.

This command will create a new alert with the specified details without any further user input.